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Smart IS are proud sponsors of 4 Premier Marina Staff
What is the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge?
The Cause
We are using the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge as a global platform to raise awareness of plastics in the Ocean, and promoting the oustanding work in this field currently being undertaken by the University of Portsmouth’s Centre for Enzyme Innovation, who are spearheading a potential solution to the global plastic pollution problem.
Pitting ourselves against the elements, our four person team will be rowing on and off in 2 hours stints constantly for an average of 49 days, pushing our mental and physical limits – to raise awareness of Ocean Pollution.
We are using the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge as a global platform to raise awareness of plastics in the Ocean, and promoting the oustanding work in this field currently being undertaken by the University of Portsmouth’s Centre for Enzyme Innovation, who are spearheading a potential solution to the global plastic pollution problem.